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Commercial Manufactured Control Panels, Built for You

At Applewood Controls, neatness and accuracy truly are the hallmarks of our work. We take pride in our precision throughout the design and installation process. We can assemble, wire, and test almost any conceivable control panel you may require.

Do you need a control panel as a component of your products or services? We build control panels for commercial and industrial applications, both for use in manufacturing or as functional components of your electronic equipment and products. Whether you need a control panel built for your own use or for your customer's, we’ll utilize proven solutions and technology to meet your specific needs.

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Control Panel Drafting

Drafting with AutoCAD

Precision control panels require a high level of expertise and design experience. Detailed, neat, and accurate electrical drawings are important not only for initially building a quality control panel but also for its maintenance over time. Our experts use AutoCAD to render detailed drafting and documentation throughout the design process.

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Place a Custom Order

Whether you require a small machine rebuild or a completely new line installation, Applewood Controls is able to provide a turnkey solution for your industrial facility. We install control systems to last for many years, with the goal of reducing downtime and providing a clean and professional appearance.

Custom Electrical Solutions
for Manufacturers Worldwide

Our UL and ETL-listed panel shop is staffed with experienced professionals. Our engineering staff has an extensive plant-floor background. We know control hardware and software, and have the skills and tools necessary to operate and maintain sophisticated machinery and equipment. Reach out to us today!

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